Pulp for the new Babbage engine generation

Prepare yourself to be AMAZED and ASTOUNDED at these tales of MYSTERY and SUSPENSE! Welcome to H&O's INCREDIBLE 3 RING WRITING CIRCUS — where you'll find some of the freshest new short fiction on the web!

CONTRIBUTORS: Management is currently looking for contributors. So if you are a writer of short creative pieces of any genre and would like to have your work displayed in this fine online publication, please contact us. Your payment will be in the form of our thanks and those of your readers — fit for a king's remembrance!

Sunday, August 28, 2005


It's been less than a week out and we are already making changes to the layout of this wondrous site. Serials will now have their own separate sites, all linked back to the main Circus page, which will be reserved for singular posts and updates only. Links to serials are on the left.

Thank you. That is all.
